Tuesday 21 July 2015

Review : 1/60 - Strike Rouge [Bootleg]

Strike Rouge
Perfect Grade
Daban Model [Bootleg], 1/60 Scale 
Release Date : 2015
Price : -
* i  never recommend people to bought any illegal gunpla / gunpla without any license, i just want people know what happen if you buy bootlegs gunpla.

Color Scheme
This is is our main problem : this kit is pink, it's soft but not as soft as original one. the leg (shoes area) has pinky, i don't know how to put this, its pink . the body, which original one has red-maroon , in this kit  has red color, not maroon ppl, its red. i reccomend you to repaint it (or maybe you have a plan to changed into strike gundam). 5/10

Inner Frame
the innerframe is good, i dont have any problem with this. oh yea, the coating part has pink silver color, ( CMIIW) 6/10

just like Strike PG, it has same gimmick,the leg part which can be opened, the shoulder ,etc. its erally same. 6/10

Strike has very great articulation. best, and in this kit, it has the same articulation too :) 7/10

whe i see this kit using water decal and DRY decal, i just stop in there. i didn't apply that because in my experience , daban's dry decal can't attach properly. but the other decal is normal. 6/10

Weapon / Add-on accessories
has aile striker which strike gundam hasn't , grand slam, rifle, skygrasper. 7/10

Snapfitting is ok. just ok, everything is under control. yeah you must work hard on it cause its not always smooth to build a bootlegs. 6/10

overall  give 6/10 maybe it's will be seven if the color scheme is not too pinky. but other things is great.
i don't recommend people to buy illegal kit, but i dont force you to not. it's your choice then :)

*it's only my point of view. i'm sorry if anything in this post is wrong or hurt people.

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