Tuesday 17 March 2015

Gunpla 101 Tips : Bandai vs. Bootleg


it's The Endless Talk if you start to argue about Bandai vs. Bootleg, when you start to think "Bandai raped my wallet", then you see the Bootleg's product which it is extremely cheap! on the other side, Bootleg is still a bootleg, yeah i know there is 3rd party with great quality and expensive, but it still a bootleg, it's illegal and some people or community doesn't support or against bootleg. now, here i am, on a netral side will explain the risk of buying Bandai and Bootleg.


+it's a legal one, doesn't against a law. some people think when buying original product is our own pride.
+has good quality, bandai is a great corporate which have a great quality standard. no wonder if they produce great product.
+up to date. it's not always bandai when we talk about who the first company to producing new kit, but some of it must be bandai.

-expensive, as a legal one, bandai must have a brand image, and it must be more expensive than other . then bandai create a premium brand named p-bandai, which is more expensive and more premium than regular bandai.
-limited imagination, i don't know how to say that but i think bandai limiting their ability to produce the product. for example : why produce RE/100 nightingale which has no innerframe? i don't think bandai can not produce MG 1/100 nightingale because bandai already produce some big MG. yeah, it is some company policy to produce a product which has most profit.
-some of product is not yet produced. when it's produced, i come out as p-bandai.


+cheap.extremely cheap, half or more than bandai. i know some of it have a price above bandai, but has great detail, great scale and bandai not produced yet.
+Bootleg can produced if the bandai can't. Bootleg is not always a copycat, let's say the one who produce kshtrya 1/100 , the one who produce HG 1/144 xi gundam, the one who produce MG 1/100 xi gundam.
+Bootleg also hear the people want, they can copy if there a great kit with expensive price. like bandai, they monitoring the market, which one is gain more profit.

-low quality. yeah, dont you expect bandai quality which has great quality and research. whatever it is, bootleg is still a bootleg.
-the expectation is different between reality. some product is really different than expectation. it has no detail or some miss color.
-against the law. when you bought a bootleg, that means you support a bootleg. (which i don't because i buy it for research :-p)
-don't ever use a Non Bandai kit to GBWC, just don't .

that's a little argue between Bandai vs. Bootleg , maybe i will bring this up again when i have a time.anyway,  whatever you choose, it's your own right and people can't judge you from the Bandai or Bootleg things. a little advice for me: do it for fun, and you will get something good. see ya !