Wednesday 25 February 2015

Gunpla 101 Tips : How to start build your gunpla Ver. Me.

As you know, Gunpla can infect you like a poison. a deadly one. that's why i'll inform you how to bought a gunpla without get that disease. 

  1. Know your Budget
    Prepare your money, cause money is the most important thing in this business. No money, No Gunpla. so when you decide to buy a gunpla, choose gunpla which is fit in your wallet.
    one thing , never buy a gunpla if you dont like it. it's okay if you don't wanna build it, but it's really useless if you buy a gunpla only because your budget but you don't love it. 

  2. Know your Ability
    If you buy a gunpla, at least you know how to build it. many collector bought a gunpla and didn't build it cause of limited item, expo. that's okay and sometimes i did that too (if i ever have a limited gunpla). but if you don't know how to build and you didn't even try one gunpla to build? my advice, don't waste your money bro.

  3. Know your Seller
    try to bought a gunpla with some trusted seller. beside a safety reason, you can get a discount. Remember, money is the most important thing in this business.

  4. Pick Your Scale
    don't push yourself too hard . start with high grade . IMO , people got bored if you build something so hard. but if you resist to build that one, no problem.
  5. Power of Searching
    Try to compare about budgeting, model,scale, and anything. try to read some review too.
  6. Don't Break Your Relationship
    Build gunpla doesn't make you being a psychopath. u can start a life normally and get a social life. don't get focus at the gunpla only and didnt care about your lovelife, family and social things.*don't forget to tell your lover : "Gunpla is cool dear, build with me :)"
  7. Bootlegs vs Original
    don't be confused because Bootlegs vs Original things .I never ever encourage you to bought a bootleg gunpla. it's your choice and you know the risk. But, if you support gunpla, buy a legal one too ^^
  8. Your Tools
    Don't forget to buy modelling tools. a cheap one will be great for starter :)
That's all my advice how to start build your Gunpla. Have fun :)

*i'm sorry if there are some mistake and sometimes hurt people


  1. Hi, do you have an email that i can pm? =D

    Keep up the great work.

    1. hi there, thanks anyway :)
      try pm thanks again :)
