Monday 29 June 2015

Review : HG Seed - Mobile Ginn (Miguel's)

Review : HG Seed Mobile Ginn (Miguel's) High Grade
Bandai, 1/144 Scale 
Release Date : 2004
Price : 1000 Yen

Color Scheme
the orange color reminding me about heine westenfluss.  8/10

Inner Frame

have wing behind their back but cant spread freely. . 7/10

just like usual HG, nothing special. 6/10

just eye sticker. and a bunch of logo sticker (dry decal)

Weapon / Add-on accessories
have a sword and a rifle

overall  give 7/10 seems fair for me.i love the colorthat reminding me of heine's kit. but the articulation is just like other HG. just it . one more thing that describe this kit : short.
*it's only my point of view. i'm sorry if anything in this post is wrong or hurt people.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Review : HG00 - Astraea Gundam Type F

Review : HG00 Astraea Gundam Type F
High Grade
Bandai, 1/144 Scale 
Release Date : 2010
Price : 1800 Yen

Color Scheme
IMO, this kit has better color than normal astraea, a bit dissapointed this kit has many sticker attached on detail (which are fixed in RG version), overall, this kit totally looks badass . 8/10

Inner Frame

have two version , F and F2. i dont follow this kit much but a face can changed ( it has two face), have an additional part to put a gun in his foot. etc. lil bit confusing since it is HG, but still great 7/10

great articulation like other 00 kits, its like combat mode which is have very sreat articulation, but has many weapon attached on his body. 8/10

many sticker for detailing this kit

Weapon / Add-on accessories
a bazooka, a rifle, two hand guns, a rocket launcher, wrecked ball, gn sword. and many more.

overall  give 8/10 seems fair for me.i love the color, the articulation, and the weapon. this 8 points is enough to draw how powerful this kit is.

*it's only my point of view. i'm sorry if anything in this post is wrong or hurt people.
**altrnate : try to buy RG Astraea type F, but it is p-bandai limited.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Review : HGUC 007 - Guntank

The 007th High Grade Universal Century , HGUC Guntank : Review
High Grade
Bandai, 1/144 Scale 
Release Date : 2000
Price : 800 Yen

Color Scheme
just like the guncannon, this kit collor really like the anime. 8/10

Inner Frame

this long cannon can moving up and down, the wheel cannot moving, its a bit sad.. 6/10

limited articulation, very limited, just movable hand, waist, head and cannon .7/10  (IMO)

no decal .

Weapon / Add-on accessories
no weapon, even he can't grab anything lol. his cannon is too long.

overall  give 7/10 seems fair for me. a bit dissapointed when i know this kit cannot move properly.  (IMO)

*it's only my point of view. i'm sorry if anything in this post is wrong or hurt people.
** alternative: try early guntank from gundam origin version,that's great!

Sunday 7 June 2015

Review : HGUC 153 - Banshee Norn [Unicorn Mode]

The 153rd High Grade Universal Century , HGUC Banshee Norn [Unicorn Mode] : Review
High Grade
Bandai, 1/144 Scale 
Release Date : 2013
Price : 1700 Yen

Color Scheme
its like flat black, but its kinda deep dark blue if you give this kit a light, its confusing but that makes this kit awesome 8/10

Inner Frame

u can spread your shield but still cant turn you into a destroy mode. its fair since its a high grade . one more thing, its a norn so u have a wings behind. a little wings (i called it wings cause yeah its like a wings). 8/10

The articulation is great. no problem with it . 8/10  (IMO)

no decal .

Weapon / Add-on accessories
Just classic rifle. very big Shield.

overall  give 8/10 seems fair for me. this kit is awesome! i love it more than destroy mode , even that kit have psychoframe (IMO)

*it's only my point of view. i'm sorry if anything in this post is wrong or hurt people.